Found finally a cool tool for getting all the free internetbased porn I need. Just by using a simple keyword as a search I'll get access to thousands and thousands of porn sites that charges money. And for me it's free!! BIATCH!!! Why pay for net-porn? That I have never understood.
I pay $ for access to a forum, yes I do. And for that $19.95/year I get access to images. True. I Pay but that's not for the images. I support the forum. Where we mongrels have the oppertunity to write down all the sick stuff we do.
Location: Seoul, South Korea
Back from Gyeongju. I went to the sport-massage located at the hotel. Entered by the backdoor it seemed. Found someone who spoke english and told her I wanted to get a quote. Well, she said 120.000 won for 1 hr and that would include "all" *nudge nudge*. Told them I'd think about it and come back later that evening. After a nice dinner with my friends I had made my mind up.
Entered the location and behold. Now I was given a new price. 200.000 won!!! I might by horny but that is something I didn't like. A price is supposed to be a price. Finally I got the reason for the higher price. I am a fucking europeean. And korean women hates foreigners. If they are to have sex with us they need money to overcome their disgust. So I took my business back to my hotellroom for a date with Ms LeftHand.. that was a freebie!
I found that same thing here in Seoul. One can browse pornstar-quality women standing/working in the RL-districts but getting your know sucked by one of them? No fucking way! I shit you not - They are truly pornstar quality!! The policy in SK in that all prostitution and RLD will be gone by 2007. The state is sponsering education and reschooling for the fallen women. I adhere to that!! It is great if all the korean prostitutes went away. They are too racial to be allowed their business. If I can't have korean pussy they should be banned :D I am a fat overweight white male!! The best sex buyer in the world!
I'll let you know later about how I lost the "korean cherry" to a wonderful gal in Itaewon. (And NOT on The Hill, but at another establishment. But at a price of 300k won!)
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